Taizhou Huangyan UC Mould Co.,Ltd

Taizhou Huangyan UC Mould Co.,Ltd

Battery box mould 2

  • Battery box mould 2
  • Battery box mould 2
  • Battery box mould 2
  • Battery box mould 2

Category: Battery box mould
Views: 310


Battery box moulds keypoints :

1. good cooling deisgn 

2. hot runner injection gate location , 

3. mould structure,  the bottom of battery box mould should be inserted , like the mould photoes we showed.  it help easier injeciton and easier mould maitainence.  this is really really important .

4. good machining works, use high speed CNC machining to ensure the high precise.

4.good steel,  the core side of battery box mould steel is H13 HRC43-45,  the cavity side of battery box mould steel is 718HRC33-35.   the core inserts hardness should be good enough, so that during injeciton the battery box each ribs can get precise wall thickness.  

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